By Dave Mckeown and Nathan Benger

Welcome to Season 2 Episode: 09 of the Church Explained Podcast.

A conversation to help grow your leadership, develop your team and build your church. Your hosts will be Dave Mckeown and Nathan Benger. We will talk about all things leadership with key team players from IKON Church and other guests during each show.

Join us for part two of the show as we talk with Jayson Price, the campus pastor for Elevation Church in Gaston. Jayson dives into some helpful ideas about mental health, the use of technology, and how he inspires others through his superpower, ‘consistency’.


Some interesting things about JAYSON are -

Jayson is married to Charmaine and has two children Grayson, seven, and Lavender, four. He is a big advocate for the subject of mental health.





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David Mckeown 0:00

Hi, everyone, I hope you're doing well. And I hope you enjoyed our last episode with Jason price. We're back for part two today. And we trust you will enjoy it. We've had some great feedback from what Jason shared last time. And I know you love what he has to say, in the remainder of this podcast today. We hope you enjoy Yeah, hey, hey, I want to really pick up on another thing that you had, we talked about about earlier was to do with phone technology. Tell us a little bit about what do you do with your phone at the end of the day? What happens there?

Jayson Price 0:40

Yeah, so my wife has a specific location that I am not allowed to go in. And I put my phone there. And she is the Guardians of the Galaxy. Okay. So she will card to like, put it right there. But because she knows me, like, I love to just, you know, just kill time on Instagram, Facebook, I am not different than any other human. I would love to be entertained. But we have to understand the difference between entertainment and investing. Okay, what did that mean? I can I can invest my time to be entertained, which Netflix I do have an all the different things to entertain Hulu, all the good things. But there's a level of home life. I think my parents did. I want to kind of bring back like, we sit at the dinner table and we invest right now we're going over the names of God with my tutor. We're actually doing an advent calendar that we did not do in Christmas. So we're on December 8 right now. But we're going over the names of God with our children. And listen, I'm not super spiritual or perfect, which is trying. And then we have bedtime. And then me and her have a conversation like what's the best part of your day? What's the worst part of your day? Now? What does that have to do with my phone? I can't do that and be on my phone. I can't be fully present. And I think what the Lord is teaching me in this season of my life is just like, hey, Pastor, Jason, here is holy, right here. Right? Not there. When I get there, when I become something, when I achieved this great number. I've always been an achiever of sorts, and I think a lot of leaders are and that's great. We should always strive and continue to strive with God and move forward. But right here, God has blessed us. I mean, he's, he's given us so much to embrace that we'll never have again. And you guys, you know, you've seen it, where you missed the season, because you were so focused on being successful. And I think that is something that we have to manage. Because there is a drive in me, there's a hunger in me, but my family and my time with God and my the people in my friends in my life, I have to give them that space. So I can embrace the season God has.

Nathan Benger 2:58

Yeah, right now really good. And yeah, some great and just great nuggets in there for leaders, I think that will be super helpful things that people can begin to put into practice. And I think sometimes we we make too many excuses, especially in different seasons of life, where actually, it's just a shift in rhythm. I know personally, I've made excuses in the past, for some of those things. And actually, no, it's just a shift of rhythm. I've just got to shift my rhythm, to get those things in and realise the value of doing those things for myself, but also for the people around me. And we've talked a lot about you know, you've been a campus Pastor leading yourself healthy rhythms. Talk to us about you know, kinda like inspiring others as a campus Pastor, your lead staff and teams and volunteers and all of that. Just talk to us a little bit. How do you inspire other leaders or the staff around you?

Jayson Price 3:59

Yeah, well, in my younger days, I want to ask this question so differently, not that I'm extremely old now. But I would have talked about you know, communication, I want to talk about things that people look at when I think of inspiration. You know, this excitement, this energy, but what I'm learning man is right now. My consistency, right? is inspiring people. Yes, showing up with my best energy. People are so appreciative. They like Pastor J. Every Sunday. You you smile, and you show us love. It's like I can't remember a Sunday you walked in with your head down halfway, kind of given a little bit. And guys, I do get tired. I do get exhausted even with exercise and healthy eating and all the things I name is still seasons where I'm like, Man, I'm tired. But if I can just bring my best two people to my team. Craig Groeschel says it like this people would rather have a leader that's always Real than always right? What does that mean when it comes to inspiration, being able to be vulnerable enough to let people know exactly where I am, and showing up for them. And if they can trust that they can trust that you're actually you, you're not putting on a front, you're authentic and who you are. I think that's super inspiring. Someone that can say, Hey, guy, because I'm at a non permanent campus. So we get up very early, we, we 5:30am, ready to set up and we're there to to peel tears down, and me coming in and saying, Hey, guys, we're a little tired today. But I know you woke up because you're focused on the people that were called to reach at the Gastonia campus, we call ourselves, world changers for one, we can impact just one person. And so by consistency in that vision, so I can have a great vision. But am I going to carry it out every single week? And what I challenge my people, is this a Sunday thing? Or is this a lifestyle. So on Monday, I'm a world changer for that one. On Tuesday, you know, when I don't want to talk to anybody, and I just want some introverted time to just reenergize. I can see, consistency is so vital. Can people trust that if we say we're going this way, we're not going to stop. And that was vital in the pandemic, for a lot of people, you either won or lost by your consistency. Just showing up on Facebook showing up in people's lives, showing up through a text message. Consistency is so you can count on it. It's not sexy, but it will get you through. And people will know they can depend on you. And I think that's so underrated. But it's so valuable.

David Mckeown 6:46

Not just a natural of aspect of life. But in all the areas of our lives that you've mentioned there. You know, Jason, all the different areas, whether it's our own health or well being it because sometimes people start something, don't they start it, then they stop, they start, they stop, and then they wonder why it's not going well, but it's the consistency over the long haul. So yeah, just picking up on that I've been recently in the gym and chamber, my training workout. And my friend said me, you know, how much weight are you doing? How much you're putting on? I said, Listen, I'm just putting little increments, little increments. This is why I said because I've got another 50 years of training that I want to do. And I just want to do little increments, rather than I'm going to put all this on for the next five months. So I think there's something about and so he was laughing. I said another 50 years of training, because I just turned 50 Back in November. And but but but it's hard to it's hard just to get that across the sense of the small increments make the big difference, don't they?

Nathan Benger 7:47


Jayson Price 7:48

yes, I think that's so pivotal. I think we look at the screen. But this is a marathon, you know, and you crossing that Mao marker talks to talks about your endurance. And it talks about this, how we're supposed to run the race with endurance with person theories. And the only way we can do that is just by being consistent on the path God has given us. And so I love that, that that model of increments, it reminds me of old children's story, the Tervis tortoise and the hare, right. And it's like, you just gotta just take your turn, and run it your pace, the pace of grace that God has given you, and trying to outrun someone else, like we live in a generation, right, that wants to compare and contrast when they're not their neighbour. I know you hear every preacher in America probably preaching about comparison, because it just never will go away. And so you have to discipline yourself to say, it's not about my neighbour, God is doing a call and anointing in a in a work in me destroying something in my life. And it's significant, no matter how big or small that it is, and incrementally getting there as fine.

David Mckeown 8:57

Hi, everyone, I hope you're enjoying the podcast, we just want to take a moment and pause and let you know but something exciting we have on offer right here from IKON Open, we help leaders find solutions through our coaching on team training. And we've worked with all types of churches in different countries around the world, from large churches to small churches, and of course, anything in between. And leaders come to us for a variety of reasons. For some, they simply want to get to the next level in their leadership. They want a coach to work with them for a period of time, so they can get new momentum or fresh ideas are fresh insights for the next part of their journey. Other leaders will come to us maybe they're working through some opportunities or challenges in their Church. And just maybe to have someone to think with them to help them process through big ideas like staffing or teams or transitions really does seem to make a difference to them. So if you've never had a coach and you're a senior leader or leader within a Church, we want to encourage you to get in touch with us because we think we can really help you find the solutions you need for the Next part of your journey, have a look at IKON dot Church forward slash coaching. And you'll find all the details there of it connect with us. And we look forward to hearing from you very, very soon.

Nathan Benger 10:13

Now really good, really good. So we talked about you kind of inspiring teams and the people around you, but who has been your biggest inspiration, greatest inspiration and why?

Jayson Price 10:24

Yeah, I have so many names that I couldn't name. As you know, I'm under one of the best leaders in the world has been referred to him, I would be how would be insane not to mention his name, his consistent inspiration and text to me. Whether it's at night, you wouldn't believe how he encourages my spirit and, and who I am as a leader. But as I think about where we're at, in the world, where there's so much division, and I'm gonna just give you a little context for why the name that I'm gonna mention is the name that I chose. I have so many names from teachers and pastors and leaders. But this name represents something I think, not just to my country, but to the world. I think it's a global perspective. But when George Floyd died, and we had so much to vision with in our country and in our world, that was a season where I was considering myself was either leader for Gastonia for the Cavs that campus in the pandemic, I was, I was wrestling with that decision. And I think leaders we have to wrestle right to really be assured in your calling, you have to wrestle sometimes is it? Am I the leader? It's not that I didn't want to say, the Pastor, but it was like, Can I really get through this. And when George Floyd died, and in the world erupted, my why that's another way I inspire people, my why came alive. My wide guys, the reason why I wake up in the morning truly is I want to unify people from all colour creeds and perspectives around the world, not just in the United States. That's why I exist, I want to be able to be a unifier of men. So my son name is Grayson, right? I believe that the Lord gave me that day. Because the colours white and black, make great. And the Lord told me that his name would mean unify your men, that he would take my heart and my mission to a new level. And his middle name is a Kouachi, aka CHR, which means the hand of God, and that the hand of God will be on that. And so for me, just from a from a spiritual place, I believe that's my why. So therefore, my, the inspiration that kind of leads the way for me, is Martin Luther King. Because in a time where I was considering, should I walk away, should I find a new career, cannot continue to Pastor in a pandemic, when George Floyd died, I came alive. Because I saw people, my brothers and my sisters of all colours, not unified. And I was like, Jay, you can't go anywhere. This is why this is why you were created. And so with passion and with resilience, like Martin Luther King is the inspiration because he stood not just for black people, but for all people. And I know that made that statement may offend people, but I'm not trying to be offensive. just clarifying that I am for all people, I want to see people that are not like me that do not speak the same language as me that do not, they did not grow up in my neighbourhood, no Jesus, and come together. And so for me, he's my inspiration, not from the pretty things that we see painted on the wall, but from the hardship endure and the sacrifice to be a voice to them, like John the Baptist in the wilderness, preparing the way like Truly He prepared the way for us to, for my son to be able to marry live and have equality and justice and social media as a leader that when you get me to talking about that, you can tell right now my energy is changing, because that's my wife, like I have a lot I can take over this whole podcast is talking about how we can come together, like we can fight all day, but can we come together? Yeah. So he's my inspiration, not for the IKON. But for the mission. Yeah, no

David Mckeown 14:09

grid, that grid answer on such a great example as well. We love that. We love your patience on that. And maybe that could be another podcast, he could come on and talk about that idea of unifying getting people together. Because there's something something pie for him. That is no really I like that idea of saying they're like he was for everybody. And as was Jesus. Actually Jesus was for everybody. And I think it's getting that message across to people. But actually, it's about all of us having dignity together and unifying together. So it's fantastic. So listen, we've got a couple more questions for you. It's been so good to have you on the show. But amazing. We've got one question here. I want to ask you, which is as if you can encourage our listeners with one big idea. I should have all your other big ideas. But what would it be

Jayson Price 14:57

if this one wasn't a first of all, you credible question, guys. Thank you. So how do they think it is? Okay, I had to get my think tank out. You may need UAB, dig in. Um, but you can see a consistent thing. But I think it's a big idea. And it may not be the song, but it was mine. And I say your mental health is not optional, because it determines everything about you, and your experience as you achieve your goals and dreams. And so for me, you your aptitude, mentally is your aptitude is as far as you will go. Your mind can be a limiter, or it can be a platform for you to go further. And so I know I've already talked about having a therapist, I know I've already talked about accountability around it with my friends. But I think it's a big idea in our generation. Because if you look at the numbers, statistically, right now, the average person has the mental health of a sacri accurate patient in the 60s. And it is because of the amount of information on our phones that we're constantly exposed to. I can't drive this home enough. If you want to leave, you have to be mentally healthy. It is underrated right now, it's not talked about enough. And I'm just going to continue to push for talk about it annoy people with it. I've already put it in this podcast. This is my third time, I will not give up. And I know he was like, Well, why is that a big idea? Because it has been a big stigma for the Church. It's been a big stigma like this whole like, Oh, you're crazy. Yes, I am crazy. And you are to can we just kind of talk about it. And just be honest, like we have these limitless ideas and imaginations, but they need boundaries, they need guardrails, they need even the Bible talks about taking every thought captive and put it under the obedience of Christ. You can't do that on your own. You need community. You need leadership. And you need a therapist. You need some level of professional help to help you navigate as a leader. And I just got I didn't have it. I wasn't talked about in my Church. And people gotta been sexually, people got a Rob and treated misused, and things happen and they couldn't process it. And God had a great call in their life. And I talked about my father. But he has such much he had way more potential than he was allowed to release because of his mind wasn't his ability wasn't his ability. And I preached this Sunday, I told you I want me to preach about before this podcast, you have to forgive me, but I'm gonna give up preaching. I was talking about Nehemiah in chapter one. And he did not know how to build a wall. You know the story of Nehemiah go read it if you don't, he was commissioned by God to go build a wall around the city of Jerusalem. He was a cup bearer. He was like a Starbucks barista trying to build a house people. But never Can you imagine yet Nehemiah was available to God. God wants your availability more than your ability. And I think we don't allow ourselves to be available in our minds.

Jayson Price 18:20

I just I hate people to serve their show up. But they won't truly surrender that addiction in their mind. They won't truly surrender in their souls to the Holy Spirit to do the real work. I've seen people and I'm a Church baby. I was born under appeal. You know, I was in Church all my life. And I've seen so much unhealth guys, you wouldn't believe people were addicted to shopping, addicted to food, addicted to things that were okay in Church addicted to pride in their titles, and their and their segregation, right with the Church walls. And they were not healthy. And that's unfortunate. And I'm grateful that God exposed that to me, so that I will be an advocate for this. And then I will say this is a big idea that if we can get our minds to a truly healthy place, that the limits of what we could accomplish, guys, well, I feel like people have lids on their heads right now. Their minds are down, and they think they're leading but there are 82% of the 100 that God wants to release. And so for me, it's a big idea, because it's a big possibility. When we get mentally healthy. I don't know if you guys know about artists, one of my favourite I have to forgive me. It's Kanye West. Had the beginning. I know he got a lot of issues. We still pray for him. I got a blog and a podcast called pray for Kanye. I'm just joking. But he's been one of my favourite since I was in high school. But if you watch his recent documentaries just released on Netflix, at the end, you see him be so mentally ill. And I'm not going to judge his work when he's made the gospel album. Omar, that's not for me to judge, but I see the mental unhealth and it just hurts my heart because he has so much genius. But it's corrupted because his mind is on him. And so for me, I just, I just want to challenge with a with an idea. What could you be? If you got me into to mentally help you? That's the That's the question. What could you be?

David Mckeown 20:21

And a great question, a great question. I really I, because, you know, just picking up what you were saying, though, Jason, and you've been really open and honest and shared about your family and your background, we really appreciate authenticity. Because I think it'll help leaders listening to this, I think it'll really help them. And I guess it's not just about the concept of mental health in the Church. But even with the leader, general main, so we can talk about it in broad spectrum within the Church, but actually for for a leader to begin to talk about that. And what they're facing what they're challenging, has even been a bigger stigma hasn't already over the years. So the fact that it's come to the surface now, hey, we're able to talk about these things. And actually, it's just like any other part of our lives. We need to give it some attention, gentlemen, so something powerful in that as well. So yeah, big idea. We appreciate you sharing it. As you've said, You've shared it three times, but maybe people need to hear that. Yeah, definitely.

Jayson Price 21:19

Um, let the Spirit lead. Somebody out there listening needs to know, you're in their boardroom trying to move something forward a vision for your company. But God is saying, hey, what about your mind? Romans 12 says it best right? We are being transformed by the renewing of our mind. And how do we do that we present our body a living sacrifice. And so we surrender what we have, so God could put what he has on us, he can put his super on our natural and into the impossible can become possible.

Nathan Benger 21:55

Now really good. One of the things we want to add into the podcast is, we want to give you our guest on this podcast, the opportunity to ask a question for our next guests. So what would one question be for our next guest?

Jayson Price 22:10

Okay, one question for our next guest. Who's the next guest? Can we give it away yet? Or is it a secret?

Nathan Benger 22:16

No, it's a secret. So it could be anything.

David Mckeown 22:19

So you can ask them anything. Just be aware of that. It can be anything you want. Yeah.

Jayson Price 22:23

Okay. Sounds good. Just I love being able to connect with different kinds of people, okay. It's one of my passions, to be able to talk by talking to you guys is like mind blown. Because it's actually, it's a prayer at the beginning of the year that God will give me global leadership. I was like, God, I just want to impact people. They just are from different cultures and perspectives. And then I got the I like, Jesus, you listen, I looked up. I was like, Oh, this is crazy. So I'm just I'm crazy excited to be with you guys. And one thing I would love to ask that leader is what is the best way they found to connect with people? That's not like them? What is the best way? Like? How have they been able to connect with someone? That's just so different? It's for me, it's a science. I want to figure it out. Do we have sports in cover? Do we have like, do we have issues in common? Right? Do you binge watch NetFlix like me? Like, what's the what is it? And, and just be able to connect it on genius? Brilliant

David Mckeown 23:25

Boylan. Jason, we've had some fun with you today. Thanks for being with us. They just gonna wrap up in a second. But I think we just want to say, first of all, a huge well done for you for picking up the stuff you've picked up and doing what you're doing. Of course, we want to honour Pastor Steven Furtick. For all you guys are doing, you know, real inspiration to sort of Church at large. Yeah, so we, we can't say that enough. But it's good to shout it out and just say publicly, hey, we really appreciate all that you guys are doing. And thank you for that. Yeah.

Nathan Benger 23:56

Jason, what's the best way for people to connect with you? socials, all of that.

Jayson Price 24:02

Yeah, absolutely. Instagram is kind of where I live from a social media perspective. J doc D price is my instagram handle. You can look me up Jason price. JY. So we are ice on Facebook. And also, you can hit me up on the email. I'm gonna give away my email. Jason j y s o n dot price at elevation church.org. Email me any questions, comments, things you want to know. I'm here for you.

Nathan Benger 24:29

Amazing, amazing, so good. Well, it's been a pleasure to have you on the show. And it's been great to be together on the church explained podcast and want to just encourage our listeners, wherever you're listening from, however, you're consuming the content, then subscribe, share it, save it. Yeah, and maybe there's someone in your world. Maybe there's a leader in your world that needs to hear this conversation. I want to encourage you to share that with them. Don't forget we have the resources available at IKON dot Church forward slash open three, four Free resources for you. churches out there and leaders out there but we look forward to having you with us next time on the church explained podcast. We'll see you real soon.

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Dave Mckeown

Leader, pastor and pioneer. Excited to share my ideas around leadership, productivity and biohacking.


