By Dave Mckeown and Nathan Benger
In the second part of our discussion, we are joined again by Chandler Boyce, who sheds light on the importance of churches using social media and content creation. Chandler emphasises the benefits of utilising Google business profiles to enhance a church's online presence and stresses that consistency in creating content plays a pivotal role.
Chandler acknowledges the challenges and insecurities that may arise while creating content but emphasises the significance of persevering and focusing on its positive impact on even one person. Moreover, Chandler recommends Dale Carnegie's "How to Win Friends and Influence People" and gives a shoutout to inspiring individuals in the tech and design fields.
David Mckeown 0:00
Hey, welcome everyone to the church explained podcast, a conversation degree, your leadership and build your Church. Yeah, let's get getting the content out there and getting it out there in the right way. I guess. I mean, you've mentioned a few times though Chandler it's about not just sharing like the churches information of what's happening, but actually speaking into people's lives touching on those pain points in people's lives, I guess is key as well. Because if we're just putting out the same content, and it's only information, then only the Church, people are going to get that really, aren't they? So there's got to be something more of just touching those pain points as well. So yeah, valid points are maybe something for churches to think about. If they're hiring somebody, maybe they need to think through and think differently.
Nathan Benger 0:45
Yeah, I mean, the next question, and obviously, I follow you on social on Instagram specifically. The next question is, if a Church could only focus on a few things to get its message out to the wider world, where should it start? I wonder if you talk about Google, and like the business profile stuff that you shunned quite a bit on your social recently?
Chandler Boyce 1:12
Yeah, so this is, and this is something that I've, you know, reviewing auditing, whatever, you know, churches, online performance profiles, you know, all that stuff, online presence, most churches ignore their Google business profile. Now, again, it's a business profile. But that is the easiest way to increase your Google rank for people to find you. And it's super simple to do. And it's really, it's really more of an algorithm thing that is like, you know, creating content, you don't necessarily have to create content for it, you just have to be consistent on it. So basically, I mean, there's more details, I've, I've created a Google profile guide, that you can get in my Instagram profile link for free. And it basically walks walks you through what to do, but the main thing is, is consistently upload photos, get reviews, and post updates, and make sure that your profile is filled out the description, you know, the service times, your hours, your website, phone, number, all that stuff, make sure it's all filled out in Update, there's some other little things that I'm not gonna get into. But that is the easiest way to to increase, you know, to help people find you online. And I'm talking about, like, substantial, like, like, if you can be consistent on that, like every week, and, you know, uploading high quality photos from Sunday, whenever you post on Facebook posts on your posts on your Google business profile, ask your team leads for reviews. And on that the approach is like, Okay, how do you you know, how do you ask people to review Church, I just tell them to, you know, share your story, share your testimony, share your experience, you know, what, what do you love about this? You know, what do you love about your Church? And, and, you know, I've churches that they do it on Sunday mornings, you know, a team rally, and you know, every once every two weeks, they'll just pay, they'll have their team leads text, hey, can you guys, you know, leave a review on Google. And then also getting reviews on Yelp and Facebook. But yeah, Google is profile and telling you it is like, you can't sleep on it. And it's such such low hanging fruit. Right.
Nathan Benger 3:33
Yeah. And that's why I wanted to just mention it, because I think, you know, as we, as we were thinking, and we knew we were going to be chatting, just looking on your profile and looking at your social that that is just one of the things that is just, like, easy to do. Yeah, probably is one of the top places that people are going to search for a Church is Google. Yeah. And and so straight away. That detail can just help some churches.
David Mckeown 4:03
And the other thing, just imagine there is like a new flag that already channelled like if you're a charity, and nonprofits, and probably different language, depending where you're listening. But of course, Google give charitable ads, ads. And you can use those for your website, your content, and we use that don't get success from some of the stuff we put out if it's targeted properly. So that's another big thing. Maybe churches don't know about that. I wonder if you could just speak into that. A little moment.
Chandler Boyce 4:33
Yeah, I'm not sure internationally how things you know, I'm USB, so but basically Google, they through a organisation called TechSoup. They give you Google Ad grant Google for profits, profits, you get basically up to $10,000 a month in free Google ads. Now there are some limitations and there's some requirements, but you can you can utilise those and they, they do they You help. And not only that you get free go workspace, you get discounts from companies like Adobe, I mentioned otter, and then I always tell churches to it's like, if you're if you have your 501, C, three, any, any place you buy stuff, any software, you've got to ask them, Hey, do you guys have discounts for 501? C threes? Because most people do, they just don't advertise it. And I mean, there was seasons that I started diving in. And it's funny, I found out about all this stuff, because, you know, our, we didn't have a big budget. And so I was like, I gotta figure out how to make some stuff happen. So I started digging around and you know, started realising like, wow, there's a lot of discounts and different ways to save money and get access to tools for free. And so yeah, it's a huge, it's a huge it's a huge opportunity for for any Church to go out there. And, and here's the deal. It's not hard if you if you know how to, you know, someone can do some research and follow directions. Google tells you how to do everything. That's the funny thing is they don't, they're not hiding anything. They they're giving you all the tools and all the information to do things, right.
David Mckeown 6:10
Yeah, I think it's about us in the question. Like, no, I'm quite keen on. I'm a little bit like each other, I'll always ask the question, hey, we're a nonprofit. Can you give us this kind of, can you give it for free? And we've had things given? Yeah, we've had this kind of as well. But if you're not, if you're not asked here, don't get. So we want to encourage leaders like, you know, be bold, ask the question, you're a charity or nonprofit for a reason. It's not taken advantage. It's there for for use really isn't?
Nathan Benger 6:39
Yeah, I think just changing tact a little bit. I was gonna say, about getting free things he was gonna, he was gonna stop, like,
Chandler Boyce 6:50
this kind of, I'm the guy. Like, if you ask me, like, if someone compliments a shirt or jacket, I'm not going to tell you necessarily where I got it from, I'm going to tell you how like discounted I got it from, like, the shirt, I'll do it. It was it was on sale for 75% off. It's like, why am I saying that? Just how I am? Well,
David Mckeown 7:10
what's your question? Yeah,
Nathan Benger 7:11
I was gonna just just talk about social media a little bit. And, you know, obviously, the ever changing social media where the next thing comes out, and it changes feels like on a daily basis, not not on a monthly or even yearly basis. So I guess for a lot of churches, they would see that and would just think so why bother? I wonder if you could speak a little bit into the benefits, even some of the losses with that. And maybe even some of your experience? No, you touched on earlier of Instagram with reels and carousels, but just just how churches can help to keep up with the ever changing nature of social media.
Chandler Boyce 8:01
Yeah, this is just kind of something that I've been processing and kind of banging the drum. I want to encourage any, any pastors out there at whatever level? You know, I know, there's, there's a lot of complexities to it. And I say that because I've experienced it. And when it comes to social media and posting content, and you know, I think sometimes our insecurities what are people going to think, you know, they're gonna think I'm trying to be, you know, whatever, whatever, you know, saying, like, I've gone through those things, like you know, in in, if it's not for you, and you don't want to listen, great, like, stay do stay in your lane. But if you are considering I want to encourage any, you know, anybody that you feel called your Pastor, you're preaching you're teaching you're writing, like you want to your, your, your, you know, you want to move in, spread the, the message of gospel forward, like, I want to encourage you, like, create content, like, let use it this platform to, to spread what God is speaking and showing the revelation and build his Church and build people encourage people add value to them help people. So if there's anyone listening out there, that's like, you know, I don't know, I'm worried about what people think. Like, I just want to encourage you just start you know, start creating content whether that's it that's a blog with a podcast, just do it but but commit to it and be consistent, because I will say this with with churches with anything is you just it's it's got to be a part of the plan. You just got to be consistent with it. And you know, you're gonna put out stuff that's maybe no one that doesn't get a bunch of likes, whatever it like, half the time when I post up I don't even look like I'm not even unless it's a post that all of a sudden people start DMing me and stuff. Like that happens every once in a while. But I mean, there's stuff that I create that I'm like, Man, this is great stuff. And it's like 20 likes, it's like oh, and then there's stuff that I put out that I think is I'm just trying to be kind of polarising. And it blows up, and you know, not not, don't go viral. I'm not, I don't really care, because it but again, it's not about the likes, it's not about the comments. It's about, am I helping people? Am I putting out content and information that someone is going to someone, like, if one part, if it helps one person, that's all it matters, right? If one person gets saved, one person gets encouraged. That's, that's, that's all that matters. So, so that's just encouragement to say, for someone, man, put, like, move, remove yourself, and put in the input in place and think about, you know, it's like you said, the why the, why are you doing this? Who can you help? Do you have? Do you have things that can help people? And we all do, because we have the greatest message on Earth? And that is the Bible, and it's all the content you need? Like, you know, it's all there. So get on there. As far as churches go, I mean, I think there's a lot opportunity, I think it's, it's, you know, and I've heard both sides, as far as like, you know, social media is bad, it's a waste of time, and blah, blah, blah, I get it. But it's a it's a space. And if we, if someone doesn't try to fill it in, in, in, compete, not really compete, but creating and putting stuff out there, and trying to reach people there, then then who would like someone's got to do it. And so I think it's important that churches are consistent, they're creating content that is, you know, that is helpful, that it's engaging, that it's, you know, encouraging people reminding people bringing awareness to their communities, that there is a Church, there is a place that you that, you know, people can come to and find. I think it's, I think it's important. As far as losses go, I mean, you know, I don't I don't know, if I, if I, there's really a downside, I don't see the benefits if you're actually creating good content. And it's, you know, it's helpful, even even if it is just for your Church, like, that's fine. Like, you know, I'm not gonna say like, if you're not, you know, whatever, but if you if you can be consistent, it's, it's, it's a benefit, even if it's not that great of stuff. Yeah, the power of consistency is, is still huge when it comes to just even the algorithms side and the people finding online side.
David Mckeown 12:36
Yeah, that's great consistency, and have a game plan, just as the thing I think you said there. Yeah. And I think I've leaders can do that have a game plan, and even if it's only a small game plan, and get for sure. Moving. So so. So Shannon, we've got one more question, and then we've got some quickfire questions. But before we get to those next question is around this idea. What do you think the future looks like? I don't know. And that's a tricky question. But obviously, you're you're in this environment. You're in this space. What's the future look like? Do you think when it comes to churches, using social media marketing?
Chandler Boyce 13:15
Questions, you're like, Oh, am I gonna say this? And then like, two months be like, I was stupid.
David Mckeown 13:21
Hey, listen, you can put it down as you were being polarising?
Chandler Boyce 13:26
No, I I would say that, if churches, the churches and the pastors that want to embrace this, that want to embrace this space, creating content, there's going to, they're going to see a lot of benefit. And with that benefit, there comes there comes issues, and we're all human, right. But the power of consistency and the power and the potential of reach, just organically, you know, you add in advertising behind that spent, you know, boosting posts and running ads. You're the churches that are doing that are being consistent there. They have a game plan. They're utilising all the channels, they're going to they're going to reach a lot of people. And and I'm, I'm not saying I think there are churches that don't do it well, that are still reaching people. And that's, that's great. But this digital space isn't going anywhere. It's only getting bigger. And when you look at the growth in the power of like, of youtube and Google, it's, you've got to lean into it and you've got to I believe that you have you need to, at some level, invest in it. And I know that's hard for a lot of pastors, depending on the age of the Church and who your elders are and what's who's on the board and they don't understand like why are we gonna spend, you know, 5000 $2,000 a month on, you know, ads and video editors and creating content creators like why does our Church hiring content creator, like, you know, or whatever level that is. But I think if churches will start to lean into it, and especially pastors, because here's the deal, even with brands, people don't want to, they don't necessarily want to buy brand, or they don't want to follow brand, they want to follow people. So it's, how can you personalise that. And I think even pastors seeing themselves in creating the content and putting it out there. I mean, I'm constantly with my Pastor, I'm like you, you got to put out more content, not just for our Church, but for yourself. Because people want to engage with people, not, you know, not just a, you know, some organisation.
Nathan Benger 15:52
Not really good. And it obviously, links to your previous point on, you know, getting over that the insecurity you know, you know, you can feel that you can feel like, oh, I want to put this out there, because I think it'll help people. But then the question is, you know, well, who's gonna listen to me, all of that insecurity can come out or do but you just got to, you know, like, push past that. And believe, you know, again, remind yourself of the why, that if this adds value to one person has been worth
Chandler Boyce 16:29
it, I'll say this, like, no one, like, you know, for those that are that are going you may be struggling with that. Because I remember back in the day, when people started posting stuff, like preaching clips, or whatever, it was, like, Oh, they're just trying to, you know, they're just trying to do this and they want to be this they want to get speaking gigs. And there are people out there that do that, like, I don't know your heart, like you've got to, you know, the truth is like, you've got to your motives have to be right and I don't I don't know what the motives are so, but the truth is, is like, get over that no one you know, at least most people me I'm I anytime I see a Pastor that's creating content and putting stuff out I'm like, Dude, don't stop keep going. Like keep creating don't listen to the you know, if anybody even says anything, I don't think they will but if they do that's like and that's that's the I guess that is the downside is for pastors and churches. The digital space is not friendly like it can get people are brutal online and all these keyboard, whatever they call them, keyboard ninja keyboard warriors out there, you're gonna get eventually you're gonna get someone that's going to leave a nasty comment and shoot you a DM. But guess what? That's like, good. Like, it means you're doing something right if you got if you got people that are loving the content and you know, hating the content.
Nathan Benger 17:47
Yeah. Yeah.
David Mckeown 17:50
So we're ready for the quickfire question. Let's go for it. As we wrap up today Hey Chandler be great to have you. So here we are. What are you most excited about? At the moment? It could be anything.
Chandler Boyce 18:01
Oh, I'm excited the moment that my daughter loves golf, we just put in a golf camp we're gonna put in a golf summer camp and I hope it pays for college one day
Nathan Benger 18:11
what do you what are you most challenged about?
Chandler Boyce 18:16
Challenge about man? Well, I'll say excited and challenge you know, starting your own your own business going out on your own is a challenge. It takes a lot of faith in you know, I wake up some days I'm like, This is awesome. Some days I'm like, What am I doing with myself? Like, this is this I'm an idiot like, what? What's gonna happen
David Mckeown 18:36
Alright, great. So on your top two book recommendations and why
Chandler Boyce 18:43
book recommendations. This is so anyways, so the one book that I I would say that had a very big impact on me and that I recommend usually to younger leaders or people that are Yeah, is Dale Carnegie's How to win friends how to win for influence people that book it. That book single handedly changed my change my outlook on people and how to approach people. I would say second book. Oh, Lord. I mean, anything John Maxwell? I'm trying to think of another. There's a there's a book called What is that one? Yeah. Oh, wow. Keith Ferrazzi he's got some good books called Never Eat Alone is a good one. But yeah, that's probably I would say But How to Win Friends Influence People, like top 10 books. Yeah, I usually read that about once a year.
Nathan Benger 19:45
Yeah, right. And last question, quickfire question Who inspires you the most in your world, and we take Jesus as the prerequisite so
Chandler Boyce 19:59
well, Oh, I love Christians, dude, we just are so predictable. The greatest book that I, that I like is called the Bible. I mean, I know we're on a podcast about the Church, but I had to mention that in case anyways a person that inspires me. So, I'm going to give a couple of shout outs and this is going to be more for like we're in the space that we're talking about and people that I like I like to so think media Sean Cannell and then his one of his main guys is Omar Chari. He that anything with tech videos, created content youtube social, I, I just, whatever, whatever. They're pouring, I'm drinking. And then when it comes to graphic design, logos, branding, my guy, Josh whiting with Brett Cole is an absolute genius. It's crazy, actually. Oh, what's the Brady shear from whatever it just did, like is done is doing like a whole series on him been his logos. And like, like those three guys right there, if you follow them, and the content they put out and what they're saying, they are going to, like you're gonna get a lot of information. And those are and those are the guys that I I sense that you know, like, if a Church comes to me and they need to rebrand it's Josh and I working together like I'm gonna have him do it because he's an absolute BS one of the best. So those would be the few people.
David Mckeown 21:34
And we'll give a big shout out to those guys as well. There are links in the show notes as well. We'll put those in. Hey, Charles has been so good to have you on the show. Where can people find you?
Chandler Boyce 21:48
Yeah, you can find me. I'm on all the social channels. Most of my handles are at Chandler D. Boyce, and get a free Church media.com and download everything you want for free. Like free free. There's no no upsells there. You can get a website if you're looking for some marketing help. Called the Church. CO and then yeah, reach out to me. I'm a real person and I answer my answer my emails and my DM so if you have questions, if I can help seriously at all, please let me know. You can I've got some free resources out there that can help you know help your Church and get you guys on the right the right path and create that plan. But yeah, guys, it was it's been a blast. And I love how I love meeting new people that are in the same world and love getting to help churches and pastors man it's it's the it's, it's one of the best, best things that I that we get to be a part of and love what you guys are doing. And, you know, if you're listening, make sure to check out IKON resources. We haven't even talked to you more about that we need to connect some more. Because I mean we're we're like doing the same thing. But it's like we got the British version and the American version, you know, like a little bit of coffee, or a little bit of tea like yeah
Nathan Benger 23:06
brilliant. Well, Chandler it's been so good to have you on the church explained podcast and want to thank everyone for listening to the church explained podcast don't forget to support us by subscribing and sharing leaving a review wherever you're consuming this content. And as Chandler said, we do have free resources, IKON dot Church forward slash open, where you can get free resources for yourself and for your Church. But we look forward to seeing everyone next time on the church explained podcast. We'll see you soon.
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